************************************************************* PLEASE NOTE THAT MANY "DEMOS" IN MORE RECENT TIMES HAVE BECOME TO BIG TO FIT ON FLOPPY DISKS! HOWEVER ALL THE BEST DEMOS WILL APPEAR ON FUTURE RELEASES OF OUR 17 BIT CD ROMS! ALL THESE DISK REQUIRE AN AGA AMIGA, AND SOME REQIRE EXTRA RAM, FASTER PROCESSORS 68030 OR ABOVE ARE RECOMENDED, BUT OFTEN NOT ESSENTIAL. ************************************************************* X3871 C42 DEMO -------------- A superb offering from The Assembly 95 demo competition. Loads of swirly effects and colours and things. Very nice. X3872(AB) EMBASSY:THRILLED -------------------------- Yet another brilliant AGA only demo from Assembly 95. Again, this one has some stunning visuals backed by an awesome soundtrack. ** HARD DRIVE ONLY ** X3873(AB) FANATIC:HATE 2 ------------------------ The third demo to spring up from Assembly 95. This is another hard drive only demo. ** HARD DRIVE ONLY ** X3874(AB) ZIF:PARALLAX ---------------------- Assembly 95 must have had quite a busy time judging the demo competition. This is another terrific entry. ** HARD DRIVE ONLY ** X3875(AB) SILENTS:FRUIT KITCHEN ------------------------------- The Silents are back with there long awaited follow up to `Soul Kitchen'. Nearly all the effects have never been previously seen before. A great demo with a soundtrack to match. ** HARD DRIVE ONLY ** X3878 BLITRIS ------------- Blitris is a complete version of "Tetris" for AGA Amigas. Features :- - 1 or 2 Players (Simultaneous) - 5 Different Block Sets - GameBoy Sound FX - Ability to use own OctaMED music in-game - 10 High-Score Tables (All Time Top Ten's) X3891(AB)CONTROL DEMO --------------------- A nice AGA only demo set in a vector world. Loads of vector objects with various lightsources etc. X3904 UNION:BRAINCELL --------------------- A new AGA demo with some new routines. Including various new tunnel routines and some nice music. X3907 UNION:TEAR DOWN THE WALL ------------------------------ One of the best AGA demos I have seen in a long time. Loads of new never been seen before effects. The sampled soundtrack really is appalling though. One to watch with the sound turned off i think. !!! X3911(AB) BLACK LOTUS:QUE ------------------------- A superb hard drive only AGA demo. X3912(AB) C-LOUS:INSTINCT ------------------------- Another excellent AGA demo from the Remedy Party 95. Requires hard drive. X3913(ABCD) RAZOR 1911:DALA HORSE --------------------------------- Yet another brilliant show of coding skill in this four disk AGA extravaganza from Razor. Hard drive and FastRAM required. X3921 GREETINGS:A GALLERY II ---------------------------- More AGA only stunning hand drawn artwork from Jason Jordache. This disk is a must for anyone interested in graphics and slideshows. X3944 DELUXE GALAGA V2.6C AGA ----------------------------- This is the very latest version of the greatest shoot-em up game in PD history. This version is AGA only. New features include :- - Small bug fix. - Added a few more options. - Made the 140ns sprite switch a bit better. - Fixed some screen width settings that made the right border invisibel. X3948 JPEG AGA V2.2 ------------------- jpegAGA is, at this time, the highest quality JPEG viewer. (if a map-file for that picture is available). To use it you need the AGA chipset, a 68020 or higher processor and OS 3.0 or higher. This program uses the HAM8-mode, grayscale display will use 256-color-mode. Although jpegAGA 2.x has many new features it is still fully compatible to the previous 1.x versions. In this release version 6 of the Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software is used for decoding. New features include:- - progressive JPEG files are supported. - new program: jpegtran, for lossless transcoding between different JPEG formats. - compiled with gcc 2.7.0 and libnix 1.0, switches: -O3 -fbaserel - all programs should be a bit faster because of that. X3951 MELON:PLANET M DEMO ------------------------- A superb demo from Melon. X3952 ICONIAN 3 V2.96 --------------------- Iconian 3 is a full featured icon editor. It was designed from the start with AmigaOS 3.0 in mind, and utilizes every OS3.0 enhancement where possible. Iconian 3 includes all most every IconEdit 3.0 feature, without the annoying limitations and bugs: - 15 drawing tools. - Can save C, E, and Asm source code. - Full clipboard support. - Dithering built into all drawing tools. - Supports all icon types and highlight methods. - Can edit upto 256 colors. - Supports the 8 color+8 plane method used by IconEdit. - Tooltype editing. - User defined sizes, including an exotic "explode" method. - Many preference windows, all co-existing with the main program. - A beveled box drawing tool. - A realtime brush drawing tool. - Support for the right mouse button as a secondary pen. - A full featured ARexx port. (Work In Progress) - Extensive online help. (Work In Progress) - Multiple projects. - Multiple undo and redo, limited only by available RAM. - Datatype support, with scaling, ascpect retention, dithering, and more. - Many ways to specify the icon format, size, and appearance. - Customizable work environment. Gadgets, fonts and pointers. Iconian 3 fully supports the NewIcon format when the newicon.library is available. Iconian 3 is not limited to designing and editing icons. With an extensive set of drawing tools, plus the ability to import and export many file formats, it is also ideal for designing other small, image related things. X3958 TEENY WEENYS ------------------ Get all, or as many of your Teeny Weenys to the exit before the time runs out! Each Teeny Weeny can start a level with different items in his pocket, these items my be needed to complete the level, as may some of the items that are about the level. X3972 ABYSS:PIXEL STORM ----------------------- A great new AGA slideshow of hand drawn artwork from Abyss. X3984 ASSASSINS A1200 FIXES #3 ------------------------------ AmigaToNTSC (V1.2), ChipMunch (V?.?), EmbedderII (V1.0), Fake20 (V1.0), Half-N-Half (V1.0), NoNTSC (V1.3), RunIt (V1.8), RunLame (V1.34), RunShit (V1.06). X3985(AB) ULTIMATE TOUR TENIS ----------------------------- Nice Tennis game thingy, good fun! X3993 ESSENCE:CRAZY SEXY COOL ----------------------------- A fantastic AGA only demo from The Party 5. Many great routines and a superb soundtrack. X3994 POLKA BROTHERS:NO ----------------------- Another Party 5 demo from the well established Polka Brothers. Hard Drive required for this one. X3995 THE BLACK LOTUS:MIND PROBE DEMO ------------------------------------- Fantastic demo from the TG95! Posably the most creative bit of texturemapped 3D sourcery, that I have ever seen from the scene! X3996 SCANIA: DREAM WITH ME DEMO -------------------------------- The best bit of this demo is the fantastic end pictuer. The rest of the demo is all rather, well, MAD actually! To be honest with you, the animation bits made me laugh, but as allwasy then the phone went ring ring and I misse dthe rest, DOH! X3999 BEGINNERS GUIDE TO WORKBENCH 3.0 VOL 1 (UPDATED) ------------------------------------------------------ An absolutely SUPERB tutorial and learning package for anyone who is having problems getting to grips with Workbench 3.0. The whole tutorial runs from an Amigaguide database and explains EVERY single command, file, and icon on workbench, what it does, what its used for, how to use it etc etc etc. If you are new to the machine or know a bit but want to know more, then this is the disk for you. This is an updated version to the previous disk in our library, X4038 SWAZBLANKER V2.40 ----------------------- SwazBlanker is a modular screen/mouse blanker providing the following features:- - Blanking of the screen when computer is inactive - Blanking of the mouse pointer when you are typing - Screen can be blanked by pressing a hotkey - Several different blanker modules are provided - Auto-sense reblanking/unblanking when blanker screen is not visible. - OverBlanking if blanker is not receiving CPU X4041 BRING THA NOIZE --------------------- A hardcore rave music disk. Really hardcore, extremely hardcore. Hardcore muchness. X4045 SLIDER V2.0 ----------------- Slider is a puzzle similar to those little number slide puzzles we have all played with at one time or another. This version features a nice high res marble background with embossed wood pieces. The size of the puzzle is adjustable in width and height. The object is to move the pieces as quickly as possible until they are in numerical order. You move pieces by pointing to the piece you want to move, and pressing the left mouse button. If there is a blank space in the  row or column of the piece you click on. Features:- - Width and height are individually adjustable from 2 to 8 pieces. - Different graphics may be loaded in place of the default puzzle pieces. Standard IFF pictures may be used. - Sounds are in standard 8SVX format. - Best 5 times for the puzzle are shown. - The computer can solve the puzzle for you. - Sound allocation is system friendly. You can play tunes with your favorite mod-player while playing Slider. - Enhanced graphics for AGA users or WB3.1 users with graphics cards. - Preferences are saved as icon tooltypes. X4051 THE WORLD OF FOOTBALL ICONS --------------------------------- The World Of Football Icons is a collection of icons representing the strips of teams from Soccer, Rugby Football & American Football. As i write this there are over 600 icons on this disk and it is 100% full. X4070 STELLAR:GALERIE --------------------- An excellent AGA demo from The Party 5. Requires 4MB Fast Ram to run. X4071(ABC) CNCD:CLOSER ---------------------- The winning demo from The Party 5. Excellent routines and soundtrack. 4MB Fast Ram and Hard Drive required to run. X4072(ABCD) IMPULSE:VOYAGE IN STORM ----------------------------------- Another stonkingly good AGA demo, this time from Impulse. 2MB Fast Ram and Hard Drive required to run. Rated very highly in Amiga Format. X4083 FAIRLIGHT:FAKTORY ----------------------- One of the best AGA demos ever seen. Superb in all departments. Released at The Party 5. Hard drive required. X4091 BOULDERDASH 3D -------------------- This is the demo version of a new 3D game. The rules of the game are like in old good Boulder Dash 10 years ago: collect diamonds and find the exit. You will have to face brand new obstacles in the 3D version and the game gives new features: view from the player's position, flying, bombs. The program contains review of the characters appearing in the game and a recorded example of a contest. You can try your skills just on one level in this version. More levels and other attractions will be available in the full, commercial version. X4099(ABCDE) SKIDMARKS 2 CARS AGA --------------------------------- A whole stack of new cars for Skidmarks 2. Aeroplane, Caravan, Tank, Moped, Van, Rollerblade, Skate, Skier, Starbug and Toilet. These cars will work on the AGA version of Skidmarks 2. X4100 BIZARRE ARTS:ZIMBABWE --------------------------- An excellent AGA demo from a recent party. Runs from floppy. X4101(AB) THE BLACK LOTUS:SPECTRAL ---------------------------------- Another superb party demo. Winning demo at Creutz 96. Hard drive required. X4102 SCANIA:DREAM WITH ME -------------------------- A strange but well presented demo in the style of the old Roobarb cartoons. Given favorable reviews in the Amiga press. Runs from floppy. X4103(ABC) EMBASSY:CORONA ------------------------- One of the great Amiga demo groups brings you a stunning new production. Lots of excellent effects and a superb soundtrack. Hard drive and Fast Ram required. X4104(AB) OXYGENE:VISION ------------------------ Another corker of an AGA demo. Released at The Party 5. This demo requires Fast Ram. X4115(ABCDEF) THE BLACK LOTUS:TINT ---------------------------------- The winning demo from The Gathering 96. A feast of visual treats before your very eyes. Hard drive and Fast Ram required. X4123 SUPER PENGO TWINS ----------------------- An AGA variant on the Pengo games. Very good, nice gfx and sfx. X4154 BISMOJO AGA SLIDESHOW --------------------------- Some sexy, red hot, manga pictures for you to enjoy! The pictures are in GIF format so if you load them into ADPro, PPaint, or another package that can convert them to IFF. You could most probably use them as Wokbench backdrops! X4155 ENLOCK V3.0 ----------------- This is a shareware demo of Enlock. A program to protect your hard drive to a certain degree from other computer users. It will not allow anybody to pass unless a correct name and password have been entered. The level of protection is better than anything currently available but it is NOT amazing and any knowledgable Amiga user could get past it. However parents, brothers/sisters, friends etc., will all be stuffed when trying (unless they know about Amiga stuff!!). I've had some people saying "oh it's crap, the protection is really stupid." well I say "It only looks stupid to YOU because you can see how really good it is compared to anything you could have thought of." ...in other words ..."Your jealous!" (help my head is swelling!! hehe). FEATURES -------- o Unlimited Users o 23 Character long user names/passwords o Impressive User Interface o Adjustable Backing Sound Effects o Memory Vector Checker (Simple Virus Checker & Killer) o Optional Speed-Up For Impatient Users o Individual USER: areas o Unique Designed Protection o Individual User Startup-Sequences o Log-File Recording Of EVERY Attempted Access o Time Band For Each User To Log-on In o Un-crackable Program Code To Prevent Illegal Versions o Adjustable Preferences o HD Installer, Un-installer & Prefs Ed o Encrypted Password/Stats Files o Choice Of Sampled Speech Style o Updates your Workbench to V42 o Toolbar on Workbench screen X4179 BOMB PACK --------------- This game plays very similar to the good old conventional PacMan, but with a difference! The difference being you have the use of bombs to kill the ghosts and blast your way through walls, there is also electronic doors that you have to activate by switches. If I am making this sound to easy then trust me, it's not! The game becomes very addictive (I have spent a good few hours playing this one!), plus there is some nice sound effects too! Good! X4181 IMPULSE:KENGRU 64K ------------------------ Most 64K intros are very clever, and whilst they may be a fine display of coding, they also look crap! Well this one is different, certainly the best 64K demo I have seen on the Amiga in a long time! PS:This demo will run a lot better on fast, or accelerated machines, it may not work properly on the bog standard 2mb A1200. X4183(ABC) WARD:BLACK HAIR TOUNG DESEASE ---------------------------------------- This one was released at THE GATHERING 97 party. Its a superb demo, with some amazing full screen effects. Including loads of tunnels & unusual fast spinning 3D plasma texture objects! The music is pretty damn cool and so is the, "shave your tongue type theme"! ** 6MB RAM REQUIRED, HARD DRIVE ONLY, SUPPLIED IN ABACKUP FORMAT, WILL REQUIRE ABACUP 5.11 ON DISK 4182 TO EXTRACT DEMO TO HARD DRIVE ** X4184(ABC)LIMITED EDITION:DEUS EX MACHINA ----------------------------------------- Another one! 3rd place winner at THE GATHERING 97 party. Most totally kicks ass, with some in your face techno music and some very weird visuals! The only down side to this demo is that not all effects are in full screen, but that doesn't matter much, because the demo is still totally excellent! ** 6MB RAM REQUIRED, HARD DRIVE ONLY, SUPPLIED IN ABACKUP FORMAT, WILL REQUIRE ABACUP 5.11 ON DISK 4182 TO EXTRACT DEMO TO HARD DRIVE ** X4185(ABCDEFG) ARTWORK:EXIT PLANET DUST (7 DISKS) --------------------------------------- 2nd place winner at THE GATHERING 97 party! This is a most totally cool demo! The 1st part features a sort of Stone Henge in space theme, which has the programmers & a lot of odd shaped rocks floating about in space `n' things! After the initial space shit there is more futuristic theme effects, virtual world stuff, tunnels, flying stars, strange metallic spinning, morphing objects etc. etc. Absolutely completely and utterly kick ass kinda demo! turn up the bass and piss of your next door nabours, because the music is pretty damn cool! ** 10MB RAM REQUIRED, 68030+ REQUIRED, HARD DRIVE ONLY, SUPPLIED IN COMMODORES HDBACKUP FORMAT, WILL REQUIRE HDBACKUP ON DISK 4182 TO EXTRACT DEMO TO HARD DRIVE ** X4186(ABCDEFG) TRIUMPH:ECLIPSE! (7 DISKS) ------------------------------- Nice effects and music, features some great and often amusing animation/raytraces! The demo runs about 7 and a bit minutes and, got a few of us to laugh a little! ** 10MB RAM REQUIRED, HARD DRIVE ONLY, SUPPLIED IN COMMODORES HDBACKUP FORMAT, WILL REQUIRE HDBACKUP ON DISK 4182 TO EXTRACT DEMO TO HARD DRIVE ** X4187(ABC) EPHIDRENA -------------------- Features some nice graphics and effects, but shame the screen is so small! Anyway it's still a cool and colourful demo, with nice music and effects, tunnels etc! ** 6MB RAM REQUIRED, HARD DRIVE ONLY, SUPPLIED IN LHA FORMAT ** X4188(ABCDEF) THE BLACK LOTUS:CAPTURED DREAMS (6 DISKS) --------------------------------------------- 1ST PLACE WINNER at THE GATHERING 97 party 26-30th March 1997! 1st place winner at THE GATHERING 97 party! 1st place winner at THE GATHERING 97 party! 1st place winner at THE GATHERING 97 party! The 1st thing that you immediately notice about this one is the impressive sub base sound track! The demo then moves on into a virtual world of great effects, (some of wich put the Play Station to shame)! Is the Amiga a dead platform that can't keep up? I think not!!!! Although this demo is very good I think that the "X4183(ABC) WARD:BLACK HAIR TOUNG DESEASE" should have won the demo contest because that was full screen and this one isn't. Then again I am not much of a coder compared to these guys, so I guess personal opinions don't count! Get this demo now, and put your friends incompatible computer platforms to complete and utter shame (well almost)! ** 6MB RAM REQUIRED, HARD DRIVE ONLY, SUPPLIED IN ABACKUP FORMAT, WILL REQUIRE ABACUP 5.11 ON DISK 4182 TO EXTRACT DEMO TO HARD DRIVE ** X4199 TO THE DEATH ------------------ This is a shareware demo of a superb street fighter type clone. It only costs a few quid to register with the author which is probably very much worth considering! The game says it will work on a 68000 based Amiga but it only actually loaded on my A1200? Anyway, if you have an A1200, then this is well worth a look at by far! X4214 ULTIMATUM --------------- It is the year 2030 AD and the Earth is no longer the place it once was. Crime levels have increased exceptionally - Arson, theft, extortion, assault and murder are at record highs. Most citizens refer to the new breed of criminals as Transgressors. Highly organised, these criminals have a hand in almost everything that goes on within the city - from politics to medical facilities. Extremely territorial, most cities have only one Transgressor gang. Scientific personal have secretly researched genetics and weapons, with government assistance, in an effort to develop some form of anti-crime personnel. After five years of trials, the first of these crime-fighters are now ready. Known as Vindicators, these civilian volunteers are a cut above any normal human. Possessing better reflexes, intelligence and perception, the Vindicators are perhaps the last chance for law and order. Ultimatum is a 3D tank game in the vein of Battlezone and Cybersled. You play the Vindicator Rick Murphy and must fight Eight opponents - Seven Transgressors and their leader Traxxion. Each fight is one on one and takes place within the city's Battle Arena. The game is very fast and furious and includes:- - A full 3D arena - Intelligent and varied opponents - Standard Laser and Missile weapons - Over 10 special Power-Ups and Extra-Weapons - Digitised Speech for the Opponent, Commentators and Crowd - Digitised Sound Effects - Full Music score - Practice mode - In-game Help Screens - Options to suit your playing preferences. ** HARD DRIVE REQUIRED, SUPPLIED IN LHA FORMAT, LHA PROGRAM ON DISK ** X4232 AMIGA PROMO SLIDE ----------------------- Got a shop? Yes! Then get this! This disk contains screen shots of some of the best titles available on the Amiga. Ideal for anybody with a computer shop that sells Amiga stuff! X4248 ZERO GRAVITY ------------------ Zero Gravity is a tunnel racing game written in 100 % assembly for AGA This freeware game is brought to you by Matthijs Hollemans, 1997 who has successfully rivalled the play station with this game! Get a copy now, you don't know what your missing! Have fun! *** FASTER WITH FAST RAM BUT NOT ESSENTIAL *** X4256 EXCELLENT CARD GAMES III ------------------------------ Totally bloody brilliant! The graphics are not as good as Klondike AGA (featured on another disk in the library), but there are more games to this one and you don't need a hard drive! Nice amusing sound effects too! X4257(ABC) DELUXE CARD GAMES ---------------------------- CardGames Deluxe contains two games, BlackJack and VideoPoker. Both these card games are fully compatible with the REKO cardsets made for Klondike 1/2/3 by REKO Productions. There are 100's of cardsets going around, so you won't have any trouble getting new cardsets! X4259(ABC) CINDY CRAWFORD THE WORKS V2.0 ---------------------------------------- Well you have all been begging us to include such stuff as this! Do you really think I would stoop so low as to include this sort of thing! Dam right I will! Have fun guys (just don't make a mess all-over the keyboard) TE HE HE! X4260(ABC) ELLE MACPHERSON THE WORKS ------------------------------------ More flesh on a disk for you to drool over! There is a certain something about a girly who likes to stick her hand down the front of her knickers, whilst posing, innocently, in front of a of the camera!!! X4261(ABC) CLAUDIA SHIFER THE WORKS ----------------------------------- There is two very appealing sides to this bird, girly and innocent, and the more mature experienced look of a seducing woman! What more could you wish for, if you have the earlier CLAUDIA SHIFER AGA disks, featured earlier in our library then you may have already seen some of the pictures on this slideshow. X4262(AB) NIKY TAYLOR SLIDESHOW ------------------------------- Very high quality images on this disk, very nice sexy looking girly!!! Nice music too. But then again you are not really going to buy this one for the sound track are you?!?! This is the best slideshow we have had sent in recently! X4263(ABC) KYLIE MINOGUE SLIDESHOW ---------------------------------- Most of the pictures on this disk are crap. Although there are 1 or 2 good pictures, I don't really recommend this to you unless you really, really like Kylie! X4264(ABC) FEMALE BODY BUILDERS SLIDESHOW ----------------------------------------- Do You like them to look very well toned, physically very strong and muscular? Yes! Then this is the one for you! X4280 BLOOD DEMO ---------------- This animation was inspired by the classic Lemmings game on the Amiga! Lemmings die a horrible death, backed to silly music remixed by mat of Quartz PD, oh ye! Blood, more blood, squashed heads and more blood and guts, great stuff! X4282 GAMES STASH #3 -------------------- DynaBlasterSB Dynablast clone! MarryamPic New card compatible card game! x4286 SMELLON DESIGN:FIND YOURSELF ---------------------------------- Great little demo, features an animation backed to silly samples! The animation is the intro from "Bottom" that was on the telly a few years back! Great stuff! *** 6MB RAM REQUIRED I DONT KNOW WHY? *** X4288 MPIMAGE V7.5 ------------------ MPImage is a tool for viewing, scaling and converting Images. It can load the following formats: ILBM : All ILBM formats including EHB, HAM6, HAM8, 24bit; PBM : All formats (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6); DataTypes: Any datatype supported format; JPEG : Loads JPEGs with Djpeg; PNG : Loads PNGs with pngtopnm. DCTV : DCTV ILBMs with dctv.library version 3. It can view in the following modes: Workbench : View in a window on the Workbench; Public Screen: View in a window on a named Public Screen; EGS Screen : View in a window on the default EGS screen. Screen : View on a custom screen It can save in the following formats: Greyscale: ILBM 16 shades and 256 shades; HAM6 : ILBM HAM6 fixed, computed or supplied palette; HAM8 : ILBM HAM8 fixed, computed or supplied palette; EHB : ILBM EHB with computed or supplied palette; COLOUR : ILBM with computed or supplied palette, 2 to 256; ILBM24 : 24 bit ILBM; PPM : P5 and P6 modes. JPEG : JPEG with Cjpeg. PNG : PNG with pnmtopng. DCTV : DCTV ILBMs with dctv.library version 3 X4289 SUPER CDA PLAYERS ----------------------- Two nice WB3+ CD Audio players for IDE and SCSI CDROM drives:- GrovyPlayer V1.08, MegaCDPlayer V2.3. X4293 ANADUNE:QUARK ------------------- A C00L 64k intro from Kindergarden '97 party! Well worth a look at if you're into demos! *** 6MB RAM REQUIRED *** X4300(ABCD) TRAITOR ------------------- Syndicate style game, very good! *** REQUIRES APROX 4.5+ MB HD SPACE *** X4301 GLOOM DLX DEMO -------------------- Doom clone, huge level! X4302 GLOOM DATA DISK #1 ----------------------- Extras for Gloom and GloomDLX some stuff works on PD version some works on Gloom PD demo, contains: NewBaddies, GloomCP10, GloomCheat, GDSelector, GloomTrainer, GDTrainer GloomPic. X4303(AB) GLOOM MAP EDITOR #1 ----------------------------- Gloom (+Gloom DeLuxe) Level & Map Editor Now here's a hot one for you all. Made by Mark Sibly, this is THE level editor used for creating Gloom levels. It has never been released before and very big thanks to Mark for letting us all have it. As Black Magic have stopped Amiga activities and the sequels to Gloom were never released, Mark thought to give this level editor for free as to bring out new life to Gloom (it certainly will!). The editor is meant for the original Gloom but might work with Deluxe too. Remember to read the instructions carefully. Note: All bug reports should be sent to Mark Sibly as he might even fix them! Requirements: AGA Amiga & the Original Gloom, but might work with Deluxe too. X4304(AB) GLOOM PLAYER LEVELS #1 -------------------------------- Gloom Mini Levels - 3 mini levels from Terry Jay Stone data-disk style. New SpaceHulk Levels - Thanks to Chris Collings & Jon Bullard. Install info included. Read the readme! Maps - Two separate maps from the same boys. Combat Maps - Seven new combat levels with ENEMIES! By Jon Bullard. Computerlevels V1.1 - Computer levels by Jon Bullard. Including home made textures! :) Jon is working on his own baddies too. X4305(AB) GLOOM BREED #1 ------------------------ GloomyBreed256 - The first five Gloomy Breed levels (256 colors) GloomyBreed256 textures - 256 colored textures for the GB levels GloomyBreed4096 - 4096 color versions of the five levels GloomyBreed Readme GloomyBreed Readme - Read this for all kinds of info! X4312 GFXLAB 24 V1.8.1 ---------------------- Superb image processor, very good review in Amiga Format! GfxLab24 is an image processing program, which can deal with bitmap and 24-bit pictures. It can convert pictures between many file formats, and/or apply many effects to enhance or modify the picture. GfxLab24 is a 24-bit and bitmap image processing program. It runs under AmigaOS 3.0 or higher. Here are some of its features: - Loading : - IFF24 - IFF 2 à 8 - HAM6 - HAM8 - JPEG - TARGA - PNG (bitmap & RGB) - Any picture DataType (GIF, BMP, PCX,... etc.) - Saving : - IFF24 - IFF 2-8bit, HAM6, HAM8 - GIF (specs GIF87a et GIF89a) - Jfif (JPEG) - TARGA. - PCX - PNG (bitmap & RGB) - 24 processing operators: Colour To Gray, Mask Filter , Brightness , Scale (reduction/enlargement by % or with height/width in pixels) , Crop , Emboss , Sketch , Negative (on any of the three RGB components) , Rotate , Bicolor (Turn picture to black and white. 9 halftones.) , Flip (horizontal or vertical) , Visual Aspect (modify the display and pixels ratios) , Quake (horizontally or vertically) , Disperse pixel (setting the radius and the probability) , Convolve (Applying/Editing/loading/saving matrices library of convolution) , Remove isolated pixel , Quantize palette (Quantizing/loading/saving palette) , Balance filter (modify gamma,sin,brightness,contrast) , Fade (fading between two pictures) , Whirl , Brush copy (with transparent colour) , Text , Noise (white or coloured) , Mosaic - Built-in Virtual Memory management, available on ANY Amiga computer, even WITHOUT MMU, and fully adjustable. - Intuition 3.0 interface, and preference management. - ARexx Port allowing automatic processing. Some ARexx scripts are provided as example. - Best of all, GfxLab24 is FREEWARE !! - Display the picture from 2 to 8 bitplanes + HAM6/8, with or without a fixed palette (13 halftoning/error diffusion modes). - Fast previewing window. Operators applied in REAL TIME! X4327 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT DEMO ----------------------------- Fully playable demo of Click Booms best Amiga game! You can have loads of fun just playing the demo version! Please be warned this game does contain a lot of blood, gore, and violence! Free Teserae game is also included on this great disk! X4328 BEASTIES DEMO V2 ---------------------- This is a demo version of the full title, only available directly from 5th Dimension Licenceware. It is based on "Worms" as you've all played this, I won't bother with the game explanation. The controls for Worms has been copied (more or less) to make you lot feel at home with it. CD³² Joypads are supported also Licenceware demo of a superb worms type game! X4331 SUPER BALLS ----------------- This is a scrolling 'Marble Madness' type game, where the aim is to roll a small ball around the levels, to activate all of the switches which will open the exit, allowing you to progress to the next level. It features 2 two-player split screen modes - Race mode and Team mode. In team mode, players work together to activate the switches, then must get to the exit. In race mode, there are no switches, and exits are open at the start of the level. Players must race each other to the exit. The winner will gain a life, and the l loser will lose a life. The game also features a Level Editor, so you can create your own levels (or edit the existing levels if you want to cheat). Most of the game graphics are IFF files, so if you want, you can modify them in most paint packages. Also the Sound FX are AIFF samples, if you want to try changing these. (note that RAW samples will not work) This superb 3D board game got a great review in CU Amiga magazine! Just make sure you don't fall into space or you will explode! This game, including the level editor, is FREEWARE! 2 free games also included on this disk! X4332(AB) DNX ------------- Play station type game for the Amiga! This game is a bit like Supper Star Dust or Zero Gravity, only with much better graphics! The object is to collect plenty of DNX which you will need to complete the game. Should you fell the need for some Amiga trigger happiness, you can also shoot the odd asteroid just for good measure! Superb explosion and tunnel effects, C00L! X4333 CONQUEST REMIX -------------------- Conquest is a one player Mega-lo-Mania clone, a God sim, like Populous, Sim City, Settlers, or Warcraft. Conquest lets you choose to assume leadership for one of these civilizations: Roman, British, Hispanic or Gaul. X4335 KICK IT ------------- I can relate to this game in a big way! Have you ever noticed those brainless staff / zombies in console game shops? We have some just down the road who say that there is no money to be made from the Amiga market, er, ye, sure, what ever?!?!? Why am I working late if it's not going to make me a FEW GRAND ON THE AMIGA? I probably wouldn't do this if it wasn't very profitable! Well anyway, the ZoMbIeS from the console shop have escaped, the object of the game is to kick as many zombies as you can or they may take over the planet! You have to be pretty quick and kick them or they will tickle you in a way that I'd rather not say! Well that's the review finished, I'm off now, I am going to the console freaks down the road, and I'll show them this game! TE HE HE! X4337 SPEED BREAK ----------------- A cool arcade style blaster game with a groovy sound track and flash graphics! SPEEDBREAK is a DUEL-like game where 2 ships are opposed on a variable number of stages depending on the game mode. Between them, there is a brick wall they have to break down as fast as possible. When the wall is down, the central gate opens and the players have to shoot each other. To put it more simply: The idea of this game is to blast your way through the wall and then shoot your opponent, awesome! X4339 SLIPSTREAM ---------------- A fully-fledged Wipeout clone for the Amiga. It uses some funky techniques to get some really fast texture mapping out of the humble Amy, and doesn't cut too many corners when it comes to visual effects either. This is the best game I have "ever" seen on the Amiga! On a FAST machine like the A4000 we have in the Quartz PD office, it easily rivals the PC, Saga, and PlayStation equivalents! Just check out the features list:- * 100% texture mapped graphics * Multiple texturing routines * Lighting effects * Tunnels * Shadows * Translucency effects * Rotating bitmapped backdrops * Dynamic craft physics (e.g. for moving tracks) * Arbitrary camera angles * Multiple screen modes (all AGA for the moment) A Doom II slide show is also included on the disk just for good measure! X4340 LEADING LAP ----------------- Superb car racing game, one of best on the Amiga, what's more it's PD! It doesn't quite make it to compete with virtual carting (the best Amiga racing game) but who cares it's good enough! X4351 WITNESS ------------- A very high end defender clone! The Solar System has been invaded by an alien fleet, the only planet still free is Earth. You must free eight planets of the Solar System. To do so you have to destroy all enemies in each planet and protect small friendly civilian-shuttles that fly around randomly, avoiding to be captured by enemy transport-shuttles. One man is needed to protect them, that man is you! X4352 MEGA TYPHOON DEMO ----------------------- Fully playable demo of a superb vertical scrolling soot'em up! The fastest arcade action game ever made for the AMIGA, the best I have seen in a long time! This one has come all the way from Germany, where the games market is light years ahead of the games market in the UK, and this game is worth it's weight in gold! A free, full "Grebblies" game is also included on the disk! X4353 PLUBZ ----------- Your mission is to destroy as many PlubZ as possible. If two PlubZ-parts with the same colour lies on the bottom row of the arena, they will pop off through the nossu-level-magneticfield; they'll be exterminated! With your ojke-board, you can drag a PlubZ-part out of a row, and put it in another row. By using your ojke, you have the ability to destroyed loads of PlubZ-parts in one single move; just put them together by their colours. But as soon as a part has been dragged out, another one will fill the empty space up... It MAY seam pretty hopeless, but if you make many suc- cessfull moves, the whole PlubZ will move one step up, and when it rea- ches the top, it'll be destroyed completely! But if you do to many dumb moves, the ground will move one step up; it's a tv-show, and there must be SOMETHING exciting! You loose when your ojke-board pops between the ground and the PlubZ. This game is so damn addictive! There is also a free game included on this disk!!! X4354 BANANA ISLANDS -------------------- A cute platform game like Rainbow Islands (Rainbow Islands clone). Superb platform game! Ideal entertainment for the kids! Or for those of you who like platform games! X4365 BOOT UP ENHANCER PACK --------------------------- Various utils to enhance your workbench boot up, and thus help remove boredom! Autoboots as a demonstration but will work best if installed to hard drive! X4368(ABCD) PATHFINDER SLIDESHOW -------------------------------- On these disks you will find loads of stuff to do with the recent mars landing probe/buggy, called Pathfinder! Get out your 3D glasses and apreciate the pictures tpo full +++++++ effect! X4392(ABC) SOUND 2 MOTION ------------------------- Sound2Motion is a quick and easy way to add sound and Music to your Animations by simply clicking on boxes that represent the frames in the Animation. You can then save the information out to a file. you can then set your Anims Default tool as the s2m pod which puts everything together and plays your anim with sound fx added. If we decide to go-ahead with setting up QUARTZ GAMES (the new games production side of Quartz) The guy who produced the anims will probably be doing the animations in our 1st COMERCIAL GAME! X4397 HD CLICK V3.00 -------------------- HDClick is a program-selector/HD-menu. With HDClick, programs can be started very easily by selecting gadgets with your mouse. You can choose between a Screen or only a small window on the Workbench. HDClick also has an AppIcon and AppWindow-function that make it possible to easily view pictures, texts or decrunch files by dragging Icons on the AppIcon/AppWindow. HDClick can be used as a Workbench-enhancement to launch programs more quickly than from the Workbench; As a Bootmenu to choose between several startup-sequences and/or programs; As a diskmagazine-program which perhaps doesn't look as nice but is easier to create with HDClick than with other, uncomfortable programs; "A gadget for every useful function"! HDClick can replace many tasks that otherwise would have to be done with Shell. Advantages of HDClick over similar programs:- * HDClick is very easy to configure. Gadgets that start programs can be created very fast. * HDClick opens a Screen full of gadgets. This leaves plenty of space for other things your Workbench. No flipping and searching between hundreds of windows on your WB - just press the Hotkey and HDClick's screen pops to the front. * With the Quickstart Tutorial and many included example-configs HDClick can be used immediately without having to learn much. * HDClick has a good and understandable documentation that beginners will be able to follow. With many examples! * HDClick can be designed the way you want with or without graphics etc. The screen-resolution and number of colors can be adjusted. With the iconify-function additional memory can be saved when launching programs. HDClick can be uniconified very fast. * You can also use HDClick as a small Window on your Workbench. It's possible to switch between several "icon-banks" very quickly. * Because switching between several configfiles/gadget-groups is very fast, an endless amount of gadgets/programs can be reached immediately, much faster than going through drawers on your HD with Workbench. X4398 SATURN MOON PICS ---------------------- JPEG pictures of Saturn and the plants moons. Auto boot, or can be used from Workbench! X4399 VIRTUAL KARTING DLUXE DEMO -------------------------------- PLAYABLE demo of the commercial game. X4401(AB) WANDERERS:SILLY SLIDES -------------------------------- Lots of really funny jokes! This disk was generally making most of us in the office laugh a lot! A bit rude, but very funny! Te He He! Views as a slide show! WARNING: SOME PEOPLE MAY BE OFFENDED BY THE NATURE OF SOME OF THE JOKES ON THIS DISK!!! NOT RECOMENDED FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. X4403 WANDERERS:BROLLY ANIM --------------------------- Anther hilarious production from the wanderers! This one is a rather sick but funny animation! WARNING: SOME PEOPLE MAY BE OFFENDED BY THE NATURE OF SOME OF THE JOKES ON THIS DISK!!! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. X4405 BRAIN DEAD DEMO --------------------- This is a 3D engine thing in the style of doom, gloom etc. The game runs a bit slow on a standard A1200 and it crashed on our A4000/040, maybe 030 users will have a bit more luck! Well anyway it looks nice! X4409 VERMONE II ---------------- The ancient worm/sanake game CLONE! but it has... 32 colors screens, 33 levels, Superb SFX, Hi-score saving, and much important a useful level editor, so you can create up to 100 custom levels! You can use custom SFX also! All in all though its a good game with nice cute sound FX good gameplay and nice graphics! X4411(AB) MATCH --------------- So, what is Match? Well, Match is a simple little mind game, if you don't mind, neither do I! A little joke there! Anyway, Match IS a mind game (You have to remember stuff). The idea is simple. All you do, is to match, hence the name, the different picture cards, to each other. You get, two of each picture card, and you have to match a card with another one the same! It is basically, like 'snap'. Sort of?! You'll see what I mean! So then, what else? Well, It's got nice sound effects, sampled speech, and some nice graphics! X4416 COLOUR MANIA ------------------ Guide the little colour blobs into the right paint pots useing the adjustable pipeline (kinda like lemmings). Sorry if that's a bad description, it's the best i can do it's a bit difficult to describe really, well anyway this is a very good game and it even had me glued to the A1200 monitor for about 2 hours! Yes that's right I probably spent 2 hours losing money via playing this game when I should be copying disks, it really is that addictive! X4417(AB) ULTIMATE TOUR TENIS ----------------------------- Nice Tennis game thingy, good fun! X4419 ALIEN FORMULA ONE PLAYABLE PREVIEW V0.9 --------------------------------------------- THIS IS THE BEST CAR RACING SIMULATION ON THE AMIGA, RIVALS THAT OF ONES ON THE PC!!! Have you ever wanted to try the feeling of 300 kmh speed? Have you ever wanted to race head-to- head with the best F1 drivers in the world? Have you been waiting for years for a good F1 simulation game for your beloved Amiga, seeing instead only stupid d**m clones? Well, your wait is finished. The Alien is proud to present you its FAST, REALISTIC, BREATH-TAKING GFX Formula One Car Racing Simulator DEMO!!! features: (YOIU MUST SEE THIS DISK, WHO SAID THE AMIGA IS NO GOOD FOR GAMES? NOT ME!) * Full TEXTURE-MAPPING/LIGHT-SOURCING/GOURAUD-SHADING 3D GFX ENGINE in 1x1 FULL-SCREEN directly coded onto the planar architecture of the AGA chipset (NO STUPID CHUNKY ROUTINES, NO STUPID CHUNKY-TO-PLANAR CONVERSION REQUIRED) for the maximum of the speed, capable of very very smooth animation even on slow 25MHz 020/030 Amigas (if you own a 060, it`ll even better, of course) * First-person perspective improved by the VirtuaCockpit(tm) feature, your car`s cockpit is not pre-painted, it`s REAL TIME RENDERED in full 3d, allowing for driver`s head motion simulation * Realistic Car Simulation, obtained by real-time integration of the differential equation system of the mathematical model of a REAL F1 CAR (NO EURISTIC ALGORITHMS USED, YOU`LL NOT SEE AN OUT-RUN CLONE), allowing for realistic car set-up sessions with lots of controls to play with (tires, tires pressure, tires camber, shocks, spoilers, engine ROM mapping, etc.) * 40 sec. of Instant Replay to see crashes, tail-heads etc. with Fast Forward and Still Motion features * Pseudo-Intelligent Opponents to make the game even more realistic - race tire-against-tire with the best F1 Drivers!!! X4420 TORQUE ------------ Pure and simply this is a Uridium clone. It's not a straight conversion, doing it that way but what a waste of the Amiga that would be. The author has tried to capture the elements of the original, the fast scrolling, the instant playability and the fun. Features lots of nice graphics, plenty of cool shoot'em up game play + nice music and sound FX! This is totally FREEWARE! NO restrictions and NO Shareware fees!!! Enjoy the destruction... X4427 AMPU v1.01 ---------------- A M P U - The Ultimate Humanoid Game! AMPU is yet another artillery game but it's lot more BETTER than any other except worms of course! Basically it's a lot like worms but it has AGA Gfx and lots of interesting weapons and tools. cool things:- * 25 cool items. (weapons, tools etc.) * you can make your own battlefields! * AGA (256 colors!) * Lots of animation. * 640*400 levels. * Team 17 provided samples from Worms! * It's FREEEWWARE! *** REQUIRES 2MB CHP RAM + 1MB OR MORE OF FAST RAM *** X4428 64 COLOUR ICONS --------------------- "Another icon-package, why?" Well this is what the author had to say:- It's true, there are many other icon-packages, but at the moment I had installed my CyberVision64 graphic card and changed my Workbench up to 256 colors, I couldn't inspect, why icons should only have eight or sixteen Colors. Well, until now I couldn't find a reasonable answer, so I begann to create my own palette for icons with more colors. For the first 8 colors I've taken the Magic-Workbench colors, the next eight colors are taken from the enhanced ROM-Icons. The rest is filled with picked colors from a Palette I've found sometimes, named Magician (never seen icons, which use this palette ;-) ). To support a function called "NO BOARDERS" of the NewIcons V3-package, I used color 0 only for background. So you can use Magic-Workbench, RomIcon, NewIcon Icons and at the same time this 64 Color-Icons. X4429 TEXTURE JPEGS #1 ---------------------- Some nice full colour JPEGS suitable for use in DTP, Video Tilting, convert them for use on your backdrops, or just load them into a paint package.. (obviously one that takes JPEG files...!) X4430 TEXTURE JPEGS #2 ---------------------- More of the same high quality JPEG textures. X4433 COLOUR WB --------------- Nice workbench thingy!?!?!?! Take a look, see what you think! X4441(ABCD) WILDFIRE V3.82 -------------------------- Wildfire - where dreams become virtuality. A Special Effect Program and much more! Wildfire is not only another brandnew image-processing-program - it's a professional animation-processor with some really new concepts. It allows you for example the creation and processing of animations in several formats, the generation of time-dependant special-effects and the design of large projects containing several animations and frame-synchronized sound-effects. Because the common animation-formats on the Amiga have too many lacks or restrictions we have tried to create a better one: YAFA. This animation-format for example features many compression-methods and realtime-zooming. One of the outstanding features of Wildfire is the fact that it makes for you no difference if you apply changes to a whole animation or if you process only one image. A single image is only a very special case of an animation. In contrary to common image-processors you can use envelopes instead of plain numbers as effect-parameters. This makes the creation of complicated time-dependant special-effects very easy. So you haven't to fight against the "do"-loops in an ARexx-script to get an animation outside your image-processor any more. All of the numerous effects can be arranged in any number and combination. Because the output of any of these effects can be one of the 8 "flat" or 4 3D-temp-buffers Wildfire allows you to perform "impossible" operations easily and in a very comfortable way! These 4 disks contain the main program and example "plug-ins" files for macines with normal 68020 CPUs or better, and also vesions for machines with 68881/2 co-processors. Main Features:- -fast and comfortable Converter: input: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, mpeg, image-sequences output: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, image-sequences -preview for almost any operation (including realtime) -Project-Editor which allows the creation of large and complicated projects easily using the mouse -effect-generator featuring time-dependant parameters via envelopes -a stunning library of effect-PlugIns (about 80) -some really unique effects -3D-engine with multiple lightsources and phong-shading -superposition of 3D-effects (PowerPlugs!) -superposition of Lightwave-objects and images in the threedimensional space -(un)loading of PlugIns at any time -Envelope-Editor -Timecodes-Editor -Transition-Maker for easy creation of transitions between two animations -easy-to-use Player-interface -Filmstrips to simplify the perfect timimg of huge projects -AnimInfo-function displaying size-profiles etc. -fontsensitive GUI without MUI -internal gadget-toolbox which handles mathematical expressions instead of only plain numbers -calculator which allows for example the export of user-defined symbols to the gadgets in the whole-program -Drag&Go (using drag.gadget 1.0 beta Copyright © 1997 Jörg Kollmann, see bonus drawer!) -ARexx-port with about 400 commands -macros, custom-windows, docks -import of images from other programs -Developer-Kit which allows you to create your own effect-PlugIns - + MUCH + MUCH ++ MORE!!! X4445 DNA PREVIEW ----------------- This is a superb overhead grapical roleplay adventure in the style of Valhala and such like. I could spend hours playing this game, C00L! X4446 KICK EM ------------- RiDiCuLoUoUoUoAwOoSe beat em up! Spanish beat em up thing with some really crazy moves! Nothing super advanced or amazingly fantastic, but good VIOLENT BEAT'EM UP fun non the less! PS:it made us all laugh a bit! X4447 MAGNUM ------------ No it's not an ice cream or a large gun! It is however a collection of lots and lots of nice Workbench backdrops! X4450(AB) ARIEL RACERS v0.98 ---------------------------- Aerial Racers is a 3D overhead stock car racing game. It's an almost perfect clone of the commercial "SKIDMARKS" game by Acid Software. X4452 TETRAS ------------ a really good AGA tetrus clone, along the lines of the C00L Intel OUTSIDE theme! Features a realy nice intro just for good measure! X4479 FEARS 3D DEMO ------------------- The original shareware release of the fears 3D engine. The demo level is huge, and it will probably take you weeks to complete that music, let alone the full game! They might has well give you the full game for free! X4480 FEARS PREVIEW ------------------- Preview of the commercial version, more of a fast, but chunky pixel approach to thing this time. This preview also features a very large demo level, good eh! X4485(AB) PHASE^D:SYMBOLIX -------------------------- A superb music disk thingy! The music on this one is as at maximum clarity, all in all it's really very good! Don't sit around moving the pointer about on your workbench when there is nothing to do! Get this disk, you need never be bored ever again, stimulate your brain, with this music demo! X4486 STROBE:DREAMS PACK 6 -------------------------- It's been a long time, but we continue to improve the library, since the 17 bit take over! We are very happy to receive the 1st in what we hope will be a whole new series of C00L new INTRO packs!!! Contents: LIMBO:911, SCOOPEX:ZERO G 111, MYSTIC:FAT, HAUJOBB:WITH STYLE, NAH-COLOR:THE PROFECY, RADIO:MEMORIES OF FOG, DA JORMAS:TOUGHE, APATHY:GET TOUGH. *** SOME DEMOS MAY REQUIRE ABOUT 2-6MB FAST RAM *** X4487 QUARTZ PACK #1 -------------------- This is the Quartz PD contribution to the ScEnE! Yes it took me about an hour to compile, but with a little work I am proud to present this C00L intros pack! Contents:- FlOpPy: EnCoRe, FlOpPy: PaLeO,FaCtOr: MeMoRiEs, PrOfEcY: NaH-KlOr, ScOoPeX :PeRfOrMaNcE, ApAThY: GeT-ToUgH, FlAmE CuBe ThInG, DoT TuNnEl ThInG. *** SOME DEMOS MAY REQUIRE ABOUT 2-6MB FAST RAM *** X4490(AB) BRONX DEVIOUS TOOLS 114 --------------------------------- More of the utility packs, they just get better and better! What's interesting about this one is that it is the 1st AGA only one I have seen as yet, but what's more interesting is that it has come all the way from Australia, good eh! X4498 VISUAL PREFS V1.0 ----------------------- VisualPrefs is a patch which allows you to customize with great freedom many aspects of the look of the Amiga GUI. Change the look of intuition.. make it C00L! Forget urouhack, centerwin, newgadtools... THIS RULES!! Change sysi gads, window title positions, window colours for active/inactiv windows, nearly everything!! Using the supplied comfortable preferences editor, you can configure many details like:- · Different light/dark colors for active or inactive windows edges · Thickness of all four window borders (also with system gadgets) · Height of window/screen titlebars regardless of the font used · System gadgets style (also for MUI/KingCON/ClassAct titlebar gadgets) · Exact look of the BOOPSI and GadTools 3D frames · Look of GadTools proportional gadgets · Position of window titles (centered in dragbar or in whole titlebar) · Fill color of inactive window borders . Good reason to own an Amiga, it looks better than Win95! · + MUCH MORE! X4513 QUARTZ PACK #2 -------------------- More cool intro stuff on this one, oh the scene is making an appearance in our library again, oh yes, oh yes it is (AT LONG LAST)! Lots of pixeld texturemapped swirly twirly virtual reality flying bytes of data and your head may become a crazy bulbus punchbag of sound (so remember you have been warned, if you have a modem or not, this is THE hottest pack in the scene! Contents:- GROUP NAME DEMO NAME ArTiFiCiAl PeOpLe......................PrOfUsIoN GrAcE, RaMoN & CrUs.................BaNaNa DaNcE FlOpPy...............................LuPeRkALiNe FlOpPy............................RuMpElStIlTcKi PaS MaTeRs.................................TrAsH NuAnCe.............................TrIlObYtE! #7 PaS MaTeRs................................TwIgGy FlOpPy.................................UnAiMiTeR *** SOME INTROS REQUIRE FAST RAM, 68030+ ETC. FASTER = BETTER *** X4519 STROBE:DREAMS PACK #1 --------------------------- this was the 1st of the intro packs, intros pack disk 6 was released on library disk X4486 STROBE:DREAMS PACK 6! Well anyway there is the usual high quality selection of cool demos & intros etc. Contents: ANADUNE:VECTOR, LOONIES:TRAVELLERS, SMOKE:427, SUBSPACE:DUAL, IMAGE DREAMS:FUDGE96, IRIS:WORLD OF CHIPS#5. *** SOME DEMOS MAY REQUIRE ABOUT 2-6MB FAST RAM *** X4520 STROBE:DREAMS PACK #2 --------------------------- More of the same groovy stuff:- DA JORMAS:SUTJU, CYDONIA:NO SHAME, FOCUS DESIGN:PULP, CAPSULE:CHANGING DEPTH:BOLDUR, ETHIC:X-FILES #15. *** SOME DEMOS MAY REQUIRE ABOUT 2-6MB FAST RAM *** X4521 STROBE:DREAMS PACK #3 --------------------------- IRIS:TCP INVITE, PSB:WHITEROOM, APATHY:THE HASTY 3D, X-FILES 16. Very good! *** SOME DEMOS MAY REQUIRE ABOUT 2-6MB FAST RAM *** X4522 STROBE:DREAMS PACK #4 --------------------------- More superb demos on this one:- HAUJOBB:AWAKENING, TRIBUTE:BEFORE, SCOOPEX:PHORCE, KINKY:KLITORIS, KINKY:OUT OF SPICE, DCS:FLOP HIDDEN PART. *** SOME DEMOS MAY REQUIRE ABOUT 2-6MB FAST RAM *** X4523 DATA DEVISION:DOKS DISK! ------------------------------ Ha ha ha, you have been a bit naughty right! Then this is the disk for you! Instruction on how to type in codes for games, and Installation instructions for various games and Applications. Also includes game cheats, and cyber hacking information etc. Includes the following stuff:- THE BIG RED ADVENTURE [AGA] DOCS, NETWORK PC DOCS, QUASAR WARS LEVEL [MISSION CODES], HOW TO USE LINUX ON AN AMIGA, HOW TO SET UP IDE CD ROMS [ATAPI] ON AMIGA, THRILL KILL [FULL DOCS], MIAMI DEVELOPER INFORMATION 1.4 [PART 1 + PART 2], PRIMAL RAGE CHEAT, ULTIMATE SOCER MANAGER HANDY CHEAT, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT CHEAT, CHEAP PROVIDER & ADDED DOCS, HACKING SPEED CAMERAS, MOBILE PHONE FRAUD, GET CHEAPER ELECTRICITY [HOW TO HACK THE METER] (old trick, re-vamped). X4524 POLATAA IV (AGA) ---------------------- This game is a sort of break out clone, the difference in this one is that you play the game with 2 paddles one either side of the screen. The 2 paddles can be controlled by 1 or 2 players. X4526 GIGATRON AGA ------------------ This demo is not a new release, but anyway who cares it is still very nice to watch! The demo has some nice GFX effects `n' stuff including a swirly twirly thingy that looks pretty cool! This demo was the winner of the Hackerence 1995. Nice heavy metal sound track! X4527 RAPE:NEEDLE FREAK ----------------------- Just another cool AGA demo which has some really hypnotic routines! Also includes a superb street style backing tune that makes me so cheerful I think I want to hang myself! YOU MUST HAVE A MONITOR TO WATCH THE DEMO BECAUSE THE DEMO IS IN NTSC & NOT PAL, A CM8833-II A MICROVITECH MULTISYNC, ANY COMMODOR, AMIGA TECHNOLOGIES OR AMIGA INTERNATIONAL MONITOR WILL DO THE JOB JUST FINE! X4528 NAH KOLOR:SPEED #29 ------------------------- A diskmag by some of the scenes hottest new groups (nah-kolour, floppy etc.)! The mag also has a small selection of intros for you to watch. Great stuff! What ever happened to grape vine? Now I have seen this who cares! X4529 GRAVITY PACK ------------------ Anther pack from submitted to us from Wizzball (one of our top mail traders). Contents:- BANANA 64K, INDUSTRIAL 64K, O.K, Obliette executable, SLD, Spawn. X5430 SUGGAR AND SPICE ---------------------- Lots of intros from the recent Intel Outside 4 and Gravity 97 copy parties. There is loads of them, 4k ones, 64k ones, 0k ones?! Good! X5431(AB) FLOPPY:EMBRACED ------------------------- Lots `n' lots of cool effects and routines, nice sound track too! One of the hottest demos by one of the scenes hottest groups!!! (Thanks Wizball!) *** HARD DISK REQUIRED *** X4532 ANIMATORS:BOOZ-O-METER ---------------------------- Err, well, this disk is from the Party 94! Yes it's a bit old! I have actually had it in the junk box bin (a large box of naf disks) for some time. Well this one is not that naf, I just forgot about it, and I was too (hic!) drunk at the time, so I never included it in the library. Well anyway the basic Idea of this game is to have various compressions, play quiz games and various silly game-tro things, very good for a laugh. Ideal for those Saturday nights back from the pub! +4533 DEMO GUIDE #4 ------------------- The complete hitchhikers Amiga.Guide documentation to demos, mega demos, intros, dentros, dintros, kisktros, pootros etc. The whole thing loads into multiview and includes the odd screen shot or two. This is really very nice if you are into watching demos `n' stuff - this one is for you! X4559(ABC) DRIFTERS:PARDISIO ---------------------------- A funny music video animation, all the way from our hilarious animator friends, who go by the name of The Drifters! Good! *** HARD DISK REQUIRED *** X4561 FREEZERS:HYPER - THE DEMO ------------------------------- Another cool demo sent to us by one of our top mail trader contacts. Thanks Wizzball. Lots of nice effects and bizarre graphics `n' stuff, plus a good sound track! Very fast texture mapping in this one, including a nice texture map tunnel effect too! X4562(AB) ALIEN PONG TRIOLOGY II -------------------------------- A nice pingy pongy ball game thing. Can be played by 1 or 2 players. the graphics are approaching rank average, but the game play is 101% c00l, great music too! A very enjoyable game, form the fantastic Data (Legal) Division (thanks)!